Jamie's Corner

Just a glimpse into my world.
Stay a while.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Little Miss Sick-erson.

I hate being sick. I'm kind of a big baby when it comes to feeling yucky.

I've been sick for over a week now. It started out just a normal cold/virus...and then it turned into this horrible cough that was uncontrollable. Resulted in many many sleepless nights for myself and Colton, missing a good friend's wedding, missing a couple days of work, and a very swollen throat. Turns out it was bronchitis. Whoohoo.

I'm finally getting over it...thankfully.

I did watch some of the video footage from our wedding while laying in bed unable to move (at this point the muscles in my back and stomache had become bricks from all the coughing)...what a beautiful and blessed day it was (the wedding, that is).

A couple weekends ago, when my aunt and uncle who just came back from a two-year Mormon missions trip to Hong Kong were visiting (they obviously couldn't be at the wedding), they said how happy we look and how beautiful it was. And the first thing I said was, it's easy to have a good time when you are surrounded by all the people you love. Obviously, there were some who couldn't be there, but seriously, is there any better party/gathering than a wedding? :o) So much love in the air.

Anyhow, as I was watching some of the footage of us girls getting ready and of the portrait session...I noticed things that you just don't notice the day of because it's all such a blur. My wonderful little sister was everywhere! She was always there to fix my train or hold it while I walked. It doesn't seem like much, but that's hard work! haha What a wonderful maid of honor!

I also got to see people's reactions during the ceremony, which obviously i can't see while up at the alter. That was entertaining.

However, what I didn't like seeing was my big blubbering face haha. And the funny facial expressions I made without noticing...ohhh like when I had planned to put two tiny picture frames of my late grandfathers on my bouquet, and forgot to attach them right before the ceremony...and Jeff (our pastor/brother-in-law) mentioned the intention, and I made a "oops i forgot" face to the camera haha. Lovely. (Note: i did attach them for the reception though...)

And walking up the aisle with my dad...I look so sad! But I'm actually really happy, it's just I look very very sad when i cry...and, well, who DIDN'T cry when my dad cried huh? Yeah, that's right. I'm not the only one.

It was fun seeing the footage and remembering little details. The best thing though is the result of that special day. :o)

I love my hubby.

Ok, I'm done for now. Just wanted to make a post so people who read this know why I haven't made a recent post. haha

For now, buhbye.

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