Jamie's Corner

Just a glimpse into my world.
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Monday, October 5, 2009

A Passion for Photography

A post I made on Facebook:

Well, I would say one of the biggest joys of unemployment is the time I get to spend pursuing my passions. It really is a blessing.For the past month or so, I have been lucky enough to be shooting with one of the top wedding photography companies in WA state. They are amazing. Check out their work www.azzurablog.com.This has only added fuel to the fire.

I want to document life. I love life so much, and feel like there is so much to see and so much to experience that my tiny little brain can't fully comprehend, nor remember, it all. Photography is my passion. I don't know if it's a career, or if it's just something for me to enjoy in life, but I know that I am grateful that I have the support, the supplies and the spirit for it.

Thank you to all of you who have supported me in so many ways in this area of my life. Thank you in particular to my fabulous hubby who allowed me to pursue this, and encouraged me every step of the way. He is a vital part of Lindelof Photography.

So to see where this path leads, and to take the next step on this journey, I have started a Lindelof Photography page on Facebook, and I would be extremely honored if you (my friends and family) would become "fans". (No pressure.)I am currently working on expanding my portfolio. I have been contacted about some contract work already, but they need some samples of my work. I would like to add more variety to it before showing it off too much.

To continue to expand my horizon and follow a dream...I would love the opportunity to photograph any of my friends and family. Call me, e-mail me, message me, send me telepathic waves...whatever. Just contact me and I would love to set up a day to photograph you and your significant other, or your family, or just you. Whatever your heart desires.

My love of life and my passion for photography have come to a head. I hope that I can capture some moments and memories for you in the near future.

Always, Jamie