Jamie's Corner

Just a glimpse into my world.
Stay a while.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jamie and Evan's Day Trip Extravaganza

So today, because Colton was gone all day in Vancouver, Ev and I decided to do something fun...preferably involving his fancy-schmancy new truck.

I will say that going on this mini-roadtrip of ours sure made me wish the fantastic four was back together again! *tear*

Anyhow, we took a trip over to Leavenworth...more for the drive than the destination (though the town is great too)...so many beautiful places to stop along the way.

My new favorite place...Eagle Falls. (That's Ev in the distance...waving.)

So many rocks and crevices. So much fun to play!

Evan expressed his love for my fancy camera. (Ev, I'll trade my camera for your truck. JUST KIDDING! I would never get rid of my lil Rebel.)

Hmmm...how do I get back across?

Though I wouldn't normally support graffiti on natural beauty...but I think this describes Evan's jump he had to make to return to the safe side haha.

There were fun little arches, stoops, ledges, caves, etc to satisfy my monkiness for the whole day!

Secret aagggeeenntt woman! (On an itsy-bitsy ledge.)
This is where Ev lost his nice sunglasses. We've come to the conclusion that he is never to take expensive sunglasses near any bodies of water (he lost his previous pricey pair to a lake). Sorry Evie :o(.
Such a pretty place!!

Pondering life...or something.
(Seriously...look how amazing that water is! It'll make you ponder the meaning of life every time.)

Playing with rocks.

I wanted some pics of a waterfall...this is as close as we got. HAHA I think the term "raging river of death" applies here...
(We kept passing all the good ones, and by the time we noticed, it was too late. Bummer.)

Clearly I'm surfing...duh. (It was actually much harder than it appears!)

Antique tree.

I love this place.

Evan and Jamie...just missing Colton and Angela

Yep...that's Evan's new truck. I think it deserves a good name Ev.

Roadtrip 101: Choose the perfect location. (Oh, and always have GPS...just in case haha.)

It's like Lindelof...in German!

There was a festival going on...and this was the only thing that attracted our attention. It was a strange little festival.
The hat shop. Could you guess?

Husky pride! My hubby was there in spirit haha. Love you babe.

The most yummy impromptu lunch ever.

Oh yeah...we bought cowboy hats...cuz we're cool like that.

"Are you sure this water is sanitary? It looks questionable to me."


Majestic mountain.

These crazy geese thought they could outswim the rapids...they were wrong haha. But they were troopers and decided if they couldn't beat it, they'd join it. This is them trying to escape...they were unsuccessful.

Me enjoying the day and laughing at the silly birds.
(Look, we found a mini beach to satisfy my desire to go to the ocean!)

Old bottles through a dusty window. (That could be a country song!)

Gelato in Leavenworth?! How lovely. MMMM.

He's only had his hat for a couple hours and he's already an old cowboy.

Mr. Evan

One of the stops on the way home.

Back to the first location...I made Evan stop again...couldn't resist!

It is so stunning there. I didn't want to leave.

But it did start to get a LITTLE chilly haha.


Layers of rocks.

Thanks, Ev, for such a fun day!

What a fun day! Can't wait for the next trip with Colton, and maybe one day...Angela too?

How do you not see God in something so beautiful?

The End (for now).

Port Townsend

Ok, so I know I was supposed to blog about our Lewis County shoot first, but these are currently more accessible to me. So here are the shots I took on my bday when dad and Colt and I took a day trip to adorable Port Townsend.

A fascinating little town with too many good buildings to photograph. I was in photography overload...it only took me about 30 minutes to take ALL the pictures of Port Townsend (below is just a sampling haha).

On the road again.
It's such a nice drive to Port Townsend.

A beautiful view from the fun restaurant we ate at.
Another view.
Where we ate lunch.

My dad.

A little park.

Beautiful architecture all around.

Just a little bit of sass.

Local shops.
I feel like this is very true haha. I'm giving you fair warning :o)
Too cool.

Reminded me a bit of European decor.

Kayaking anyone?

My daddy long legs :o)

Remnants of the past.
I wish all buildings were this full of character.
Random door in the middle of Port Townsend.
Felt like Robin Hood (or someone equally cool) would come bounding through at any second.

Down on the water.

Bikin' it around.

In case you can't read that...it says "Over-weight Mermaids -->"
Hmmm. I was curious to see what was down there haha.
Back alley.

So much color. So much flair.