Jamie's Corner

Just a glimpse into my world.
Stay a while.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Passion for Photography

A post I made on Facebook:

Well, I would say one of the biggest joys of unemployment is the time I get to spend pursuing my passions. It really is a blessing.For the past month or so, I have been lucky enough to be shooting with one of the top wedding photography companies in WA state. They are amazing. Check out their work www.azzurablog.com.This has only added fuel to the fire.

I want to document life. I love life so much, and feel like there is so much to see and so much to experience that my tiny little brain can't fully comprehend, nor remember, it all. Photography is my passion. I don't know if it's a career, or if it's just something for me to enjoy in life, but I know that I am grateful that I have the support, the supplies and the spirit for it.

Thank you to all of you who have supported me in so many ways in this area of my life. Thank you in particular to my fabulous hubby who allowed me to pursue this, and encouraged me every step of the way. He is a vital part of Lindelof Photography.

So to see where this path leads, and to take the next step on this journey, I have started a Lindelof Photography page on Facebook, and I would be extremely honored if you (my friends and family) would become "fans". (No pressure.)I am currently working on expanding my portfolio. I have been contacted about some contract work already, but they need some samples of my work. I would like to add more variety to it before showing it off too much.

To continue to expand my horizon and follow a dream...I would love the opportunity to photograph any of my friends and family. Call me, e-mail me, message me, send me telepathic waves...whatever. Just contact me and I would love to set up a day to photograph you and your significant other, or your family, or just you. Whatever your heart desires.

My love of life and my passion for photography have come to a head. I hope that I can capture some moments and memories for you in the near future.

Always, Jamie

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

~ a single soul dwelling in two bodies ~

I have been very blessed in my life. One of the many blessings that I count daily is my friendships. My friends hold a very special place in my heart...

While reading one of my favorite blogs...I saw this post and it touched my heart. It is about a love that is not always mentioned: the love between friends (or best friends):

"The love I am referring to is the love you have for a best friend. It’s unique and so important to have. It’s more than just affection for someone; it’s a deep underlying connection. The comfort of knowing you can tell them everything, and not have to worry about being judged. The first person you tell when something exciting happens, or when something scary happens. The person you turn to when you need to vent. The person you can laugh at because they will just laugh back at you. The person you need to tell things to so your brain doesn’t explode. The person who can make you feel better when you’re having a tough day, the one you turn to for advice. The person you can have full conversations with by merely exchanging glances. And maybe most importantly, the one you tell all your secrets to, especially boy secrets. Someone once told me they thought it was creepy how my best friends and I said “I love you” to each other often. I told them: I think when you love someone, you can’t help but sound at least a little creepy. Love is love. No matter if it’s for your Mom, your cat, a boy, or your best friend. And when you are lucky enough to have people to love, and be loved, you need to let them know how thankful you are for that, and how much you love them back..."

It's so true. I cherish my friends with all my heart. I am lucky to have more than one "best friend" who I turn to (both male and female).

So I dedicate this post to my friends...all of you who have been there for me whenever I needed someone to simply talk to, those of you who make me smile on a bad day, and all of you who brighten my life just by being in it. I thank God for you daily.

My friends truly are the rays of sunshine in my life.
All my love...

Monday, September 7, 2009

This one's for you Pablo!

HAHA Thanks couz for reading my blog. You're a rockstar!

So I'm slacking again...as my dear sweet cousin reminded me tonight. I told him there isn't much in "a day in the life" of jamie when I'm just cleaning and sitting at home waiting for everyone I know to get off work haha. But I'll try my best...

Here's what we did on this fabulous Labor Day weekend:

Drove down to Portland in a monsoon to witness the beautiful wedding of Jeremy and Tori. It was a wonderful wedding, even if it sprinkled on the ceremony (I think it added a bit of flair and energy to the whole event :o) ).

They had an awesome photobooth (not technically a booth) set up for their guests...and we took full advantage. Below are a few shots (I will not post the more scandalous ones of my friends...you know who you are!).

Congrats to Jeremy and Tori on this wonderful new adventure they are on. We wish you two all the best and may you find joy in the little things. I pray God blesses your marriage and I look forward to see what He holds in store for you! (Can't wait to be old married couples together hanging out...but first we have to be young married couples hanging out together...get up to Seattle stat! haha)

Colton, Bonnie, Caleb and myself found a sweet little bar before the wedding ceremony (classy I know...we were early and didn't know what else to do...we were in portland with nowhere to go!). Free pool on Sundays...whoop whoop! We might have gone back after the reception...teehee.

I will spare everyone the details...but the ride home was an eventful one. It involved many stops...a freakin' awesome Mr. Police Officer...a K-9 sticker badge...lots of hydro-planing...oh and spray (ahem).

We spent the night at Bon-digities. It was like high school all over again. Such cherished memories.

Ok, that is my post for today. I promise to try and stay updated as much as possible...just for you pablo!

For everyone else reading this...love you too!

Until next time (which won't be as long this time hehe)...

Monday, August 3, 2009

Runnin' Behind

Ok, so I've been a bit of a slacker on my blog (a bit = almost two months...yowza).

A lot has happened and there's just been too much going on to really focus on the blog...but now it's starting to slow down and I'm able to take some time to express myself again.

Most of you probably know, but I was laid off at the end of June due to some restructuring within GLS by the new owners. It was devestating...but I had been stressed ever since the new company bought GLS from Holland America, so I was half expecting it.

Everyone who knows me know that I believe everything happens for a reason. So, even though I did mourn the loss, I know my time was up for that position and God has something else in store for me.

So since then, I've just been applying for jobs and trying to slow down and enjoy summer life. It's hard when most of our friends and family live a lengthy distance from us, but I'm learning to cope.

There is a certain amount of stress that comes with the complete freedom of doing whatever you want, whenever you want (who woulda thunk). It's almost like I don't know what to do with all the time I have...it's overwhelming. Strange. When you're working, all you want is some time off. Like always, the grass is always greener on the other side, right?

That being said, I hate having nothing to do. So I decided to send out an e-mail to some of the top photographers in the area (including some of my favorites) to see if I could volunteer my time and talents during the extremely chaotic and busy wedding season. I figured that I would find a way to stay busy and entertained, while doing something I have a passion for.

I got quite a few responses...some saying no, some saying maybe, and some saying yes! Then I got a call from my absolute favorite photographer in Seattle...Azzura Photography (check out their blog, they will rock your socks!). They called and asked to see me and some of my work. When I went to see them, I thought that if I was lucky, I would be able to have them as mentors and I'd be able to see how their business works and how they are inspired. But God surprised me...instead, they booked me to be a second shooter for a bunch of weddings they have coming up!! I get to shoot along side some of the best wedding photographers ever!! I was so excited...I actually "squealed" with joy (of course I waited until I was on the phone with Colton and in the car).

So anyhow...it's been a rollercoaster (in more ways than I can really describe at the moment)...but I'm trying to enjoy every moment of it. (In actuality, I hate rollercoasters, but you gotta face your fears right?) So here I am, facing them head on and holding on to the core of my being with all my might.

Looking forward...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I.N.S.P.I.R.A.T.I.O.N.S. & L.O.V.E.S.

I like to keep a collage of images and items that inspire me...whether creatively or spiritually. I thought I'd share some images (note: these images do not belong to me, I am using them strictly for visuals and to comment, not as advertising of any sort.) For the most part, my inspirations are also my loves. So here are some things that light a fire within me...always with love, and sometimes inspiration.

Helping Others
i love High Heels
Human Rights

Babies make me smile
i love Extra, extra long sleeves

Google is the best invention ever...

i love Friends (especially mine)


Vintage shops
(those would be petticoats on the ceiling)

Antique typewriters



i love/have/want more Vintage flair

Scarves of all kinds

Primitive decor

i love Photography, it inspires me


i love Everlasting love

Interior design/decorating

Hats, hats and more hats.

Jesus Christ is my life

All dance

The beach...and a straw hat!
Audrey Hepburn inspires me

All sorts of cameras

i love Vintage cameras

Polaroid passion

Endless love.
Faded images.


Flowing styles

Stunning accessories

Truth (haha)

Fashion sketches

i love Beach and nautical styles

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Fishing and Camping Fun - Lake Cle Elum

I love sunshine in Washington! Everything is so stunning.

Colt, Ev and I started the weekend off with a fun luau in Kirkland with the UWB folk. Then early Saturday, we drove up to Lake Cle Elum to have a couple days of sun, fishing and camping.

Of course the first stop was Carek's Meat Market...the boys' all-time favorite place. Unforunately, they didn't open until ten, so we went to this nearby park to kill some time.

The boys played their frisbee...I played on the big toys (duh).

I LOVE swings...

Not long after this photo...I saw a little girl running across the street as a big truck came barrelling down the road...so of course I jumped in front of the truck and saved the little girl and I ended up wounded for my heroism...um no, actually, not really...
I actually was exiting the swingset when I landed on my right ankle really bad and pulled/tore a ligament...LOVELY way to start the weekend camping trip. Ugh. I felt absolutely dreadful that I might have just ruined the trip for the boys...and couldn't believe I had gone my ENTIRE life without injury and at the ripe old age of 24, hurt myself playing on a swing. LAME!
Anyhow...we had to go to the urgent care facility (no fun on our bank account)...but I survived and I really wanted to still go fishing and camping...so the boys had to put up with limpy-mcgee for the rest of the weekend...but at least we were outside enjoying the nice weather.

Here's my battle wound. (Getting in and out of the boat was quite a chore.)
Swingset - 1. Jamie - 0.

It was still a fun weekend though.

Ev testing out his new fishing gear...
My sweet and caring hubby who took care of me all weekend.

Our campsite

Injured Jamie resting on a very comfy and pre-cut tree trunk.

MMM...smores will always make you feel better.

"I shall call you caleb. It is a name I have always admired."

Fishing on beautiful Lake Cle Elum

My silly hubby trying to avoid the spray.

El Capitan
Fun in the sun.

The boys prepping for dinner.

Yummy yummy corn and Carek's polish dogs. (Whoever ran off with our hot dog buns...we are very upset with you!)

Early mornin' fishing. 5 am...ugh.
Here comes the sun.

What was I thinking? Just kidding...I still had fun.

Rally caps boys.
(Here, fishy fishy fishy. Like Evan says, "get in the boat".)

We have decided there are no fish in Lake Cle Elum, it's all an evil plot! All that fishing and we caught a tree (not just a branch, an entire tree)...seriously haha.

Cold and sleepy...but happy to be with the boys and outside.

Our little area.
Loading up.

I love the outdoors and I love my hubby.

Well, it was a fun weekend...after all was said and done. Even though I can't drive right now and I might have possibly injured myself permanently...haha. Thanks boys for letting a girl tag along. I have a feeling they will never let me play with them again haha...

Limpy McGee...out.