Jamie's Corner

Just a glimpse into my world.
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Friday, February 27, 2009

Lindelof Photography

So Colton and I recently decided that we wanted a hobby that we could do together. Something that got us out of the house, but still gave us quality time together.

My love of photography was a great starting point. And once we started talking about it, Colton got really excited about plotting our routes and finding secret locations to go shoot. I do most of the photography, but Colton has really gotten a good handle on it and I think he is starting to get the bug. (He's got a good eye too.) We shoot at unique spots. It's a cheap hobby that lets us explore and find fun locations, keeps us occupied and out of the house most of the day when we go, and allows us to spend time just the two of us. It's really a blessing.

Colton put up a map that he can put pins in to represent the locations we have shot at, as well as the date we went. Then, we go through and choose the raw images we like best together...and then I get to editing. I really enjoy editing. I do that whole portion and copyrighting them, and when it is complete, we both oo and ahh over them...together.

The finished photos are great memories and keepsakes of the times we spend together, yet they have a uniqueness all their own. They aren't just normal photo memories of something we did...they are the result, the product of our time spent together. It gives us a reason to go out, enjoy the day, enjoy the land, enjoy the company...basically, just enjoy life.

It's SO hard to pick our favorites (they are all up on our facebook pages for those who are interested), but here is just a sampling. We hope you enjoy it...because we do. :o)


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